KingNoahX07 disconnects in Tetris Effect: Connected to avoid taking a loss.

KingNoahX07 disconnected on Tuesday April 25th, 2023 in Tetris Effect: Connected in game mode Zone Battle to avoid taking a loss and losing skill ranking (SR).

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Date: Tuesday April 25th, 2023

Zone Battle

Player with username "KingNoahX07" disconnects to avoid taking a loss in a ranked battle on Tetris Effect: Connected in Zone Battle (again). After disconnecting, he readied up again immediately after, and then disconnected to avoid playing another game. He readied up for a third game and disconnected in the middle of that game too (but he wasn't losing that time). At this point I think he's just trolling and obviously doing it on purpose. This player has previously disconnected on me on purpose. Here's a previous time, you can see him in the comments admitting to it.
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